2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014-2007
December 2014
Our paper describing the titanium(IV) catalyzed addition of oxazoles to alkylidene oxindoles is published in Organic Letters! Great job Joe and Carlos!
October 2014
Nick and Joe’s enantioselective carboannulation reaction is highlighted in the October issue of SYNFACTS!
Lisa presents at the Algae Biomass Summit in San Diego. She won the Algae Foundation Student Travel Award!
September 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Ngon Tran and Dr. Elisa Gutierrez!
August 2014
Nick, Lisa, Ben, Hailey, and Kayla present at the 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition!
Hailey Hibbard and Nick Ball-Jones win an ACS Travel Award from the Sacramento Local Section!
Annaliese and Kayla present our research in Germany at the 17th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry in Berlin! Kayla wins an award for one of the 5 Best Short Lectures given by young Scientists! Congratulations Kayla!
July 2014
Lisa receives Algae Foundation Student Travel Award to attend the algae biomass organization summit in San Diego this Fall!
Jake starts his internship at GSK in the Stress and Repair DPU!
Our paper describing the first catalytic asymmetric [3+2] allylsilane carboannulation reaction is published in Angewandte Chemie! Great job Nick, Joe and Ngon!
Undergraduates Chinmay Bhatt and Henry Effarah join the Franz Group!
June 2014
Jake, Kayla, Ngon, Nick and Brittany present at the Reaction Mechanism Conference!
Nick celebrates the end of teaching Chemistry 8A with a demonstration for his students!
The Franz group completes the Green Lab Certification program and receives Gold status! We are the first lab in the chemistry department to be Green Lab certified, but certainly not the last.
Lisa starts her internship at Amyris in their Bioanalytics and Metabolomics group evaluating yeast strains producing renewable fuels and chemicals!
Congratulations to Dr. Sean Wilson!
The group celebrates Andrew, Sarah and Brittany passing their qualifying examinations!
May 2014
Woody, Hailey, and Alex present at the Larock Conference at UC Davis.
Nick presents at Chemical Biology in the Bay Area Day at UC Berkeley.
The Franz group helps implement a glove recycling program at UC Davis and receives recognition from Kimberly Clark as a greenovation champion!
April 2014
Woody presents his research at the Undergraduate Research Conference at UC Davis.
Lisa presents her research at the Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Symposium at UC Davis.
Undergraduate Haley Cynar joins the Franz Group!
March 2014
Jake and Nick present at the UC Davis Miller Symposium. Nick wins the Best Poster Presentation Award!
February 2014
Barbara Murta joins the Franz group as an undergraduate researcher from Brazil!
Ngon and Sean’s paper describing supramolecular silanediol assemblies is published in Chemical Communications!
January 2014
Graduate student Julia Jennings joins the Franz group!
Lisa presents at the Chemistry Department’s Chemical Biology Innovation Group (CBIG) meeting.
Congratulations to Dr. Joe Badillo!
December 2013
Undergraduate Hailey Hibbard joins the group!
Richard is awarded the Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship!
Jake, Ben and John’s paper detailing the stereoselective synthesis of pyrrolidinyl oxindoles is published in Chemical Communications!
Lisa and Nick demonstrate their commitment to safety!
November 2013
Diana’s paper comparing lipid storage between Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Tetraselmis Suecica using laster scanning confocal microscopy is published in the Journal of Microbiological Methods!
October 2013
The group attends the ACS Western Regional Meeting in Santa Clara where Kristin, Nick and Lisa present. Kristin wins the best poster award!
The Franz Group celebrates Halloween!
July 2013
Sean presents at the ACS Graduate Research Conference.
Ben, Jake and Emily’s spirocarbamate oxindole paper is published online in Organic Letters!
Sean presents at the National Organic Symposium in Seattle.
Lisa presents at Chemical Biology in the Bay Area Day at UCSF.
Joe presents his research at the High Throughput Chemistry and Chemical Biology Gordon Research Conference .
The Franz group is on a winning streak in our second annual paintball tournament!
May 2013
Lisa and Diana are featured in the ACS Chemical Biology “Introducing Our Authors.” Check out the link here.
Andrew Burch joins the group from the Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology graduate group.
Welcome to Carlos Ribeiro, a visiting PhD student from the Research Institute for Medicines and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Annaliese is selected for the 2013 Outstanding Mentor Award by the Consortium for Women and Research. Congratulations!
April 2013
Brent and Kate present their research at the Undergraduate Research Conference!
Our algae project has been featured in many blogs lately! Here are two of our favorite blog articles: “Yo, Algae: Take two and call me in the morning” from biofuels digest, and “From green glop to jet fuel”from Progressive Charleston.
Work from Diana’s poster presented at the spring ACS conference in New Orleans is featured in the April 15th issue of C&E News! Check out the article here.
Our algae project is highlighted in Eat Drink Explore’s “Sunday/Funday: Tea, Earth Day, Artichokes, Science of Cooking” radio show!
Ben and Diana present their research at the spring ACS Conference in New Orleans, LA.
Our algae project is featured in the campus news! The article focuses on our recent algae paper in ACS Chemical Biology. Check out the news article and see our commentary about the project.
Lisa presents a poster about her research at the IGPS Symposium on campus and recieves the Second Place People’s Choice Award for Best Poster! Congratulations Lisa!
March 2013
Megan, Diana, Lisa and Jordon’s algae paper is published online in ACS Chemical Biology!
Brent, Elisa, Jake, Nick and Sean present their research at the Miller Symposium, and the group gets to spend some time with professor Houk.
February 2013
Diana presents her research at the 2013 Gordon Research Conference on Plant Lipids: Structure, metabolism & Function in Galveston, TX.
January 2013
The group attends fire extinguisher training and has a blast!
Welcome to our newest and youngest group member! Baby Alannah was born on January 21st at 4:16AM, weighing 6 lbs 6 oz.
Our review of medicinally relevant organosilicon molecules is published in the Jounral of Medicinal Chemistry! Check out the Publications page for a list of our most recent publications.
Congratulations to Dr. Nadine Hanhan! She starts the new Franz group tradition of banging the gong to celebrate her graduation!
Welcome new graduate students Brittany Armstrong, Christopher Oulton, Andrew Burch and Sarah Tang!
December 2012
Congratulations to Sean Wilson for Receiving the 2013 GAANN fellowship!
November 2012
Diana’s paper describing the use of a Nile red Fluorescence assay for estimating intracellular lipid content in yeast is published in Journal of Microbiological Methods. Congratulations Diana!
October 2012
Lisa and Diana present their research on chemical genetics at the California Institute for Agricultural and Food Research Conference
September 2012
Congratulations to Dr. Megan Danielewicz!
August 2012
Nick Ball-Jones & Lisa Anderson present their research at the Fall ACS Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
Nadine’s and Sarah’s enantioselective oxindole allylation is highlighted in SYNFACTS issue 8/12!
Taewoo’s cover art is featured on the ACS Catalysis August 3rd issue! Also don’t forget to check out the Publications page to see all of our recent publications!
July 2012
Welcome new summer research students: Andres Rosales (ACS Project SEED), Emily Allen (NSF REU) and Tuong Pham (NSF CBST)!
Joe Badillo presents his research at the DOC Graduate Research Symposium!
Congratulations to Dr. Taewoo Min, the first Franz group PhD!
June 2012
Congratulations to our graduating seniors from the Franz group: Abel, Catherine, Jordan, Sabrina, Sarah and Trang!
May 2012
Catherine, Trang and Brent present their research at the 2012 Larock Undergraduate Research Conference at UC Davis – well done!
Congratulations to Lisa Anderson for receiving a WCC Eli Lilly Travel Award to present her research at the August 2012 ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA!
Hands-on chemistry demonstrations for green chemistry, catalysis, and biotechnology at the Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary Event! Thanks to all of the graduate and undergraduate students who brought their chemistry expertise as volunteers and role models!
April 2012
Our silanediol research is featured in Chemistry and Engineering News (April 16 issue)!
Annaliese is featured in Chemistry and Engineering News for her Rising Star Award (April 23 issue)!
Andres Rosales receives the Distinguished Scholar Award from Dixon High School and Lisa Anderson is honored as a Distinguished Mentor!
Nadine’s and Sarah’s oxindole paper is published in Organic Letters!
March 2012
Sean, Joe, Nadine, Abel and Andres present their research at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego. Congratulations to Abel Silva for receiving the ACS DOC Undergraduate Travel Award! Sean Wilson and Nadine Hanhan receive travel awards from the GSA and WRC at UC Davis!
Jake, Joe, Abel and Gary publish their spirooxindole paper in ACS Combinatorial Science!
Jake McDonald receives an Honorable Mention Award for the 2012 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship – nice work!
Annaliese is selected for the DOC Young Academic Investigators Symposium at the Fall ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
Lisa and Diana present their research studying algae lipids at the 2012 Biotechnology Training Retreat in Napa, CA.
Our first annual group paintball tournament!
January 2012
Welcome new graduate students John Schreiber and Kayla Diemoz!
December 2011
Our most recent spirooxindole paper is published in Angew. Chem. and more silanediol catalysis is published in Organic Letters! Check out the Publications page for more details. Elisa’s oxindole paper is highlighted in SYNFACTS issue 1/12!
Jordan Boothe receives a 2012 Presidential Undergraduate Fellowship for his research – congratulations!
Check out the UC Davis Undergraduate Chemistry facebook page to see the YouTube videos that students made for CHE 8B and vote for your favorite in the extra credit competition. For more details, also see Annaliese’s article in J. Chem. Educ. about “Organic Chemistry YouTube Writing Assignment for Large Lecture Classes.”
October 2011
Elisa’s paper is published in Organic Letters!
Andres Rosales receives a travel award from the ACS Sacramento Local Section to present his research from ACS Project SEED at the Spring 2012 ACS meeting in San Diego – congratulations!
Congrats to Nicolas Ball-Jones for receiving a GAANN Fellowship!
September 2011
A busy summer of submitting and publishing papers! Check out the Publications page for 5 new papers, and more on the way!
Annaliese receives the 2012 WCC Rising Star Award, in the inaugural class for this ACS award!
August 2011
Ngon, Taewoo and Elisa present their research at the Denver ACS National Meeting. Great Job!
Welcome to undergraduates Jordan Boothe and Brent Hiramoto who started research in our lab this summer!
July 2011
Welcome to high school scholars Kayla Ostiller with the UC Davis Young Scholars Program and Andres Rosales with ACS Project SEED, who are performing research in our lab this summer!
Catherine Pham receives a 2011 Presidential Undergraduate Fellowship for her research – congratulations!
April 2011
Lisa receives an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, now our 2nd in the group! Well done!
Diana and Lisa present their research studying lipids at the 2011 Biotechnology Training Retreat in Napa, CA.
March 2011
Nadine receives the 2011 R. Bryan Miller Graduate Fellowship. Well done!
Undergraduates Sarah Tang and Trang Nguyen are studying and collaborating with researchers at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan as part of our new Quarter Abroad Program for Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Welcome to Catherine Pham, Sabrina Zenad and Trang Nguyen, new undergraduates joining the group!
January 2011
Happy New Year and welcome new graduate students Ben Shupe and Jacob MacDonald, and undergraduate Sarah Tang! Here’s one of our new group photos with most of the crew:
December 2010
Joe and Gary’s Org. Lett. paper is published online!
We move into our renovated lab space!
Abel Silva receives the 2010-2011 Bristol-Myers Squibb Minority Chemist Fellowship – congrats!
Annaliese travels with six other faculty to Taipei to visit Academia Sinica for the 2010 Bilateral Research Conference and the start of our new Quarter Abroad Program for Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Summer 2010
Welcome to a few new faces: undergraduate Kami Sheikon, and also to Kate Gibson and Jack Taylor who join the lab as part of the UC Davis Young Scholars Program – Welcome! Congrats to Aziza for receiving one of the first M.S. degrees in the new UC Davis integrated B.S./M.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Program, and Andrew is off to medical school!
May 2010
Congrats to Joseph Badillo for receiving a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Casey Wong receives a 2010 Presidential Undergraduate Fellowship for her research, and then also wins the 2010 NovaBay Pharmaceuticals Undergraduate Award in Medicinal Chemistry – Double Congrats!
Great job to our Casey, Abel and Gary presenting in the Larock Symposium, and a special congrats to Gary for winning 1st place for his enthusiastic presentation on “Stereoselective Synthesis of Biologically-Relevant Spirocyclic Oxindoles”
Our Angew. Chem. paper is highlighted in SYNFACTS issue 4/10!
January 2010
Welcome new graduate students Lisa Anderson, Nicholas Ball-Jones, Elisa Gutierrez and Sean Wilson! We also welcome new undergraduates Casey Wong and Andrew Lu.
Congrats to Ngon Tran and Elisa Gutierrez for receiving GAANN Fellowships!
Our Angew. Chem. paper is online and in print!
November 2009
Nadine, Aziza and Toby’s paper is accepted into Angew. Chem. – Congrats!
October 2009
Undergraduates Abel Silva and Gary Arevalo join the group – welcome!
September 2009
First Franz group Adventure day – kayaking Baldwin Beach and hiking Emerald Bay at Lake Tahoe.
Summer 2009
Sean Wilson and Jared Moore join the lab for a summer research rotation – Welcome!
Skye Kelty joins the lab as part of the UC Davis Young Scholars Program – Welcome!
Annaliese and Ngon attend the 4th Annual 3M Science and Engineering Faculty Day Symposium.
Group photo (May 2009)
January 2009
Annaliese receives the 3M Nontenured Faculty Award.
Welcome new first year graduate students Joe Badillo, Kaleb Jentzsch and Diana Wong!
November 2008
Exciting News – we receive a grant from Chevron Technology Ventures for Megan’s Biofuel Project!
Congratulations to Nadine for receiving a WCC Eli Lilly Travel Award for the March 2009 ACS meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. Nadine will present her research for the catalytic enantioselective synthesis of oxindole products.
Summer 2008
Graduate student Megan Danielewicz and undergraduate David Lam join the group, and Kaleb Jantzsch joins us for a summer research rotation – Welcome! Our first Summer BBQ!
March 2008
Undergraduate Aziza Sahin joins the group – Welcome!
December 2007
Graduate Students Nadine Hanhan, Taewoo Min, and Ngon Tran join the group – Welcome!
September 2007
Undergraduates Toby Chang and Jennifer Etcheson join the group – Welcome!
Annaliese teaches a new special topics class (Chem 221E): Catalysis in Modern Organic Synthesis. [read description]
August 2007
The first round of renovations are complete and we move into our new lab space.
First reaction in the new lab – way to go Cori!
July 2007
Cori Bruce joins the group for a summer rotation – Welcome!
Annaliese joins the faculty at UC-Davis.