2024 |

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June 2024

This month, Leah got married! Congratulations to Leah and Max Patterson, we are so happy for you! Several Franz lab students were able to attend on this special day and support Leah.







We celebrated the accomplishments of several Franz lab members over the past academic year and welcomed in summer 2024 undergraduate scholars Remy and Olivia, with a group outing to Mamma, a tasty restaurant in Davis!


Congrats to Cole Dickson (left) for graduating from UC Davis with a B.S. in Chemistry! We are so proud of you!










We are excited for undergraduate researcher Cole Dickson (2nd from left) for receiving the Roche Medicinal Chemistry Research Award and Undergraduate Department Honors at this year’s UC Davis Department of Chemistry Awards Ceremony!









Congratulations are due for Linnea Dolph (center) who walked the stage this year at the UC Davis 2024 commencement ceremony! Yay Linnea!









We celebrated a host of accomplishments of our graduate and undergraduate lab members (advancement to candidacy, department and awards, etc) with a stop to Cultive frozen yogurt! It was nice to beat the California heat with some delicious frozen treats.

Congrats to graduate student Hannah McFadden for passing her qualifying exam and advancing to Ph.D. Candidacy!


May 2024

Congratulations to graduate student Tigre Pressley for passing his qualifying exam and advancing to Ph.D. Candidacy!

Franz lab undergraduates Wendy Tran (left) and Cole Dickson (right) did an amazing job giving research talks at the 2024 Richard LaRock Conference!


April 2024

Congrats to Franz lab undergraduate Wendy Tran for her awesome presentation at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference!


Thank you to Franz lab alum, Dr. Taewoo Min, for stopping by the lab to visit and meet the current Franz lab graduate students!

Welcomed to the lab Noah Brodsky! We are so excited to have you join the lab!